Invasive Species in Amherst State Park
Coronilla varia - Common Crown Vetch, Crown Vetch
Close up Photo
photo by WNY PRISM
June 5, 2015
Close up Photo
photo by WNY PRISM
June 5, 2015
Crown Vetch (Coronilla varia) is a perennial legume in the Pea family and is native to Europe. It can form large clumps from creeping stems up to 6 feet long. Crown vetch has rhizomes up to 10 feet long which allow it spread rapidly This fast growth can cover and shade out native vegetation. Compound leaves consist of 15-25 pairs of oblong leaves. Pink and white flowers in head-like clusters bloom from June through August.
Crown vetch is grown as a temporary ground cover, erosion control, and as a fertilizer crop. It is also used as a bank stabilizer along roads and waterways.
Close up of Flowers
September 2015
Infestation Photo
September 2015